101 goals for 1,001 days
Start date: April 29th, 2011
End date: January 24th, 2014
Bold - Completed
Italics - In progress
Completed - 13
In progress -10
Bold - Completed
Italics - In progress
Completed - 13
In progress -10
- Attend a concert
- Attend a midnight premiere of a movie
- Attend IMATS.
- Beat 3 Pokemon video games
- Blog/Vlog 3 days a week for a month
- Build up my jewelry collection and get a jewelry box
- Buy 1+ items of clothing a month for a year
- Buy a lottery ticket
- Catch a fish
- Create a budget and stick to it
- Create a makeup look book with 25+ looks
- Create a motivational/quote bulletin board (8/3/11)
- Create an everyday look and stick to it for a month (June 2011)
- Create my own cosmetics company that is internationally know and respected
- Dance in the rain
- Delete my myspace profile (5/3/11)
- Don't complain or stress about anything for a week
- Don't drink pop for a month
- Don't eat pizza for a week
- Eat a candied bug
- Eat at 10 restaurants I have never been too [3 out of 10]
- Fall in love
- Fill my charm bracelet with meaningful charms. (July 2011)
- Fill my picture frames [7 out of 13]
- Find true serenity
- Frame my favorite fortune cookie fortunes
- Get a bag/case for my laptop (6/13/2011)
- Get a chakra massage
- Get a manicure and pedicure
- Get a new makeup train case/travel bag
- Get an iPad
- Get an Xbox 360
- Get new makeup brushes
- Get my Aesthetics license: state boards, state approval.
- Get my right 1/2 sleeve tattooed
- Give my beauty blog a much needed face lift
- Go a day without technology
- Go a week without purchasing a thing (7/5/11 - 7/12/11)
- Go camping for a weekend
- Go horseback riding
- Go on a picnic
- Go to a club
- Go to the zoo
- Go vegetarian for a week (5/14/11 - 5/21/11)
- Graduate La James International in July 2nd 2011
- Grow my hair out past my shoulders 10-14 in. and go back to my natural hair color (4/28/11)
- Have a spa day
- Host a costume party
- Kiss in the rain
- Kiss under a full moon
- Learn to burlesque or dance.
- Learn to fluently speak a foreign language like French or Japanese
- Learn to roll sushi
- Learn to use chopsticks
- Leave an inspirational quote in a book for someone to find
- Make a lantern and set it free
- March in a gay parade
- Meet an online friend in person
- Move out of my hometown
- Move out of state
- No fast food for a month
- Not log on to Facebook for a week
- Organize my craft supplies (July 2011)
- Organize my makeup collection (July 2011)
- Own a designer handbag and wallet
- Own a leather couch
- Own a pair of Jeffree Campbell shoes
- Own all my favorite Hayao Miyazaki films on DVD
- Own over 30 pairs of shoes
- Paint 3 paintings in a month
- Pay off my car
- Pay off student loans
- Pick wild flowers
- Plant a tree
- Plant an herb garden (5/3/11) it died in July
- Purchase and wear a S.O.P.H.I.E. bracelet
- Read a digital book (July 2011)
- Redecorate my bedroom (April-July 2011)
- Redecorate my living room
- Reupholster a chair
- Run or jog for 20 minutes straight
- Save up to $10,000+ in my bank account
- Sing on stage
- Sleep under the stars
- Smile at stranger a day for a week
- Spend a day at the beach
- Start a compost pile
- Stop being a negative nancy
- Stop being obese
- Switch out all light bulbs in my apartment for energy efficient bulbs
- Take a vow of silence for a day
- Take self defense classes
- Visit a designer store
- Visit a foreign country like France, Japan, Italy or Egypt
- Visit a Illamasqua Cosmetics location
- Visit New York City and/or California
- Volunteer at a animal shelter for 7 days one month
- Watch the sunrise and set in 1 day
- Wear miss matched socks for 1 day (4/29/11)
- Work on 4 photo shoots in a month
- Write a letter to read after finishing all these goals
Last Updated: 8/07/2011.